Fact Sheets

In Depth Reporting

There is more than just annual returns…
Our custom Fact Sheets give a more detailed look at the performance of a strategy. Each fact sheet highlights what the experience of a strategy has been over time. While we do show traditional upside/downside capture statistics, the fact sheets also show how the strategy has utilized capital in different time periods.

Trade Impact

The activity within a portfolio can appear murky at times as there is a continual evaluation of each position. To show how the portfolio has generated returns over time we have developed the trade impact chart to show each trade on the equity curve. This gives transparency of the trade activity in different periods of time and how these trades created the returns of the strategy. 

Make it your own

Fact Sheets can be tailored around your logo and color scheme. When we create fact sheets we can set up to three different benchmarks, including using another one of your own portfolios, to compare results. These fact sheets can be run either monthly or quarterly by request to provide an institutional quality appearance.


Composite Strategies

Whether you use premier or custom portfolios, you can designate a blend of strategies, each with their own distinct weightings, to demonstrate a risk tolerance focused approach. A composite strategy highlights how a blended approach would likely play out within a client’s account.

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VPM Partners LLC

Sedona, AZ.

  • 480-237-9358

About VPM

For 20 years, our VPM portfolio management process (Institutional Use Only) has given thousands of advisors the ability to build and maintain quality and scalable strategies. Through integration with partnerships and dozens of prebuilt strategies, VPM and its consultants can guide you through the entire process in building a true scalable and deliverable product suite.

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